we went to the cool place where some of Footloose (aka.. emma's favorite movie)was filmed and took some fun photos.... tonight we are going to see Gwen.. so excited! :)
Just wanted to pop in and post a few photos... have a great day! :) Elsie
seriously. I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. This printer is amazing and it is making my little midnight scrapbooking adventures so much more fun! :) So happy. 3 cheers for home printing!
I was inspired by Danielle's recent post to share my newfound love for Flickr.
It is such a great community and there is SO much inspiration there! I *love* the fact that I can post photos, scrapbooking layouts and craft projects all in the *same gallery*! It has really inspired me lately to try to take my photography to the next level (just a personal goal). It is just a really cool site, you should definately check it out if you aren't familiar...
(You can see my flickr gallery by clicking on the little photo bar on the right side of my blog!)
So here is a little bit of eye candy... one thing I love about flickr is that you can save your favorite images and it makes a really pretty montage... here are my most recent favorites....
Well, I am in the studio all day today! Cross your fingers for lots of productivity! I REALLY want to do a ton of pages for my book today! Have a great day!
So Donna tagged me... I have to tell you 7 random things about me and tag 7 more people...
1. It is raining right now and I loooove it. (i also love to spell love with extra oooos. :)
2. I love the new Arcade Fire album.
3. I pretty much adore Maggie Gyllenhaal in "Stranger than Fiction". She looks so sweet. It is such a sweet sweet movie. I watched it twice. Best movie I have seen this year so far... i think.
4. I am craving a banana chai smoothie BIG TIME.
5. Next week at this time I will be in Utah with my sister (just a fun trip!).
6. I had a little pottery barn revival today when I got the new catalog. Cutest stuff in a LONG time! My love for them is back in full force! i mean, how can you not love this,this or this?? Same feeling with Crate&Barrel, by the way...
7. At this moment my studio is TOTALLY CLEAN. but don't ask me about it tomorrow b.c tonight it going to be one busy night! ha!
....an early mother's day gift for my mom from emma, doren and i. She has been wanting a pug for such a long time. This one is so sweet. She reminds us of Cocoa when she was a baby. She has one white paw and white around her eyes. So cute.
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." -Thoreau
Not that my photos are perfect now... far from it.. but I miss the grainy, messy, ugly-color, surprise-with-every-roll-of-film feeling today.... Not saying I am getting rid of my 20d.. lol... but maybe I will pull out a film point and shoot for the weekend... just for old times sake.
ps.. this photo is my brother doren.. i totally stole this image from his band myspace... not sure who took it... but it was what gave me this happy, nostalgic feeling this morning... thanks doren (even though i know you don't read this). :)
turns out this is the busiest week I have had so far this year... OMG... writing a book, developing a class, some designing work, a few random deadlines, e-mails piled high and a house that seriously needs a clean sweep..... WOW. Don't get me wrong.... I LOVE being busy. I love deadlines and i love a moderate amount of stress (the kind that helps your productivity and doesn't impair it.. haha!)... But let's just say that this week is a little bit above average. Just a bit.
I will be back next week with more *in depth* blogging... but for the rest of this CRAZY*INSANE week i will just sprinkle on a little eye candy :) because. we all know that i *can't* take an actual break from blogging... too much OCD in my blood. :)
oh... also.. emma just posted a bunch of cool stuff in our etsy shop yum.
I figured it was about time to dedicate a post to my favorite painter, Jim Houser. His stuff gets inside of me. It is beautiful, full of color and amazing style. But each piece also has a message. The way he uses words is super thought provoking and interesting. I can stare at his stuff all day. I recently got his book, Babel. I have not been able to put it down. It is so emotional and inspiring. It is one of those books that I want to buy for everyone in the whole world. But since I can’t do that… I will just post about it here. Enjoy the beautiful paintings!
wow. just wanted to say *THANK YOU* for all the sweet comments about the new book. I am super excited! :) Tonight I am staying home and scrapbooking all night. I can't even remember the last time I did that (well... unless you count before CHA... HAHA..) Will be lots of fun. I just got a new home printer. I am totally NOT used to it yet, so I need to really break it in tonight! :) It is the Epson 1800.. if you have this printer let me know if you have suggestions on paper ect....that would be great!
Also... lots of new stuff posted in my Etsy Shop today. Emma has been making some REALLY COOL guitar pick earrings for the shop and I have some new paintings and dolls... we stayed up late last night sewing and watching Xmen 2... :) haha... so we are a little nerdy.. that is ok. Proud of it!
Have a wonderful friday!!! :) Elsie
ps... the yummy felt letters from the first photo are brand new from KI! :)
many of you have noticed that for the past few months i haven't posted very many scrapbook pages. there are a few reasons for this...
1. a needed a break. simple as that. sometimes you need a break and sometimes you REALLY need one... and I was definitely at that second level...haha. I have been spending a lot of time painting and it has been extremely healthy and refreshing for me. Thank you for your encouragement and support!
reason # 2. I knew that in a few months I would have a reason to scrapbook a LOT and here it is......
I can't share anymore details at the moment, but I wanted to share that the process is underway and a new book is being created!!! :) This is a totally new concept (not a sequel to my last book)... I can't wait to share more in time!
check out these adorable bookmarks that the super cute convey kids were giving out last night... emma and i are super pumped! :) just a little something fun and random that i wanted to share....
today i am in the studio all day. nothing but creating for the rest of the day....
so tonight, emma and went to seeJeremy Larson at the Gillioz(it looks SO cool and pretty there, by the way...I am super excited about it being open again!). It was such a freaking amazing show. Super refreshing. It was one of those rare golden moments for me...it was really inspiring! I feel like I want to make a ton of paintings now. So good. Go to Jeremy's myspace and listen to every single one of his songs. So pretty.
Also... I got these Tim Biskupbooks yesterday... the way he uses color and shape is so inspiring and beautiful. Plus his daughter is named Tigerlily... so pretty much he is cool in my book ;)
Also... if you are in the mood to see some cute ugly dolls check out the RV*blog we had a fun contest over the weekend... totally love some ugly dolls.
Hmmmmm... that's all I've got tonight...
have a good day! Elsie
seems like it lately. I can't wait for it to be fully summer... but the rain is nice too. :) Just wanted to say hello. I am going to Kendra's house today. Maybe we will take a silly photo or 2? Creativity is in the air.. I think it is the whole Springtime vibe (new!fresh!pretty!pure!)? Whatever it is.. I love it!
What are you into right now? What is inspiring you? I have some cool new books... will share soon! :)